As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways
higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55: 9 (NIV)
Song: Oceans - Hillside
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Hope you enjoy this song selected specifically to go along with our
Today as I was reading in
my book “The Circle Maker” I started to be able to put some Umph….
into my prayers for some of the really, big and scary dreams that I have. These are dreams that I believe God has
called me to, that seem impossible and that scare me half to death! So, the following is my summary of chapter
Seven in the book. (Batterson, 2016)
Therefore, our biggest problem is our small view of God and our solution is to have a high view of God!
The size of our prayers depends on the size of our God. And if God knows no limits, then neither should our prayers.
With God it is never an issue of, can He? It’s only a question of, will He?
Let’s look at today’s verse:
As the heavens
are higher than the earth,
So are my ways
higher than your ways
and my thoughts
than your thoughts.
going into all the math – this is saying that your best thought, on your best
day, falls 15.5 billion light years short of how great and how good God really
is.Have you ever felt like your dream was too big for you? Just remember, God doesn’t call the qualified; God qualifies the called. If God has called you; your qualified.
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