Expect the Unexpected - Second week of Advent

Bible Verse:
And she gave birth to her firstborn, a son.  She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.  Luke 2:7 NIV

By clicking the above song title, you will be directed to a video of our worship song for today.  Hope you enjoy this song selected specifically to go along with our devotion! (Tip:  if you right click on the link it will open in a separate window and you can listen to the song while you read)

Today is the second week of Advent.  If we were lighting the candles on a wreath, we would be lighting the second purple candle.  This week is the Bethlehem Candle.  This is to symbolize the unexpected beginnings of our King, the birth in a manger. 

 Let me try my hand at fiction with a short story.

 Are you sure we have enough gas honey? Of course, the light hasn’t even come on yet, he hissed.  I know, but that looked like the last town for a while.  Jeeezzz Beth, why don’t you ever trust me?  Do you really think I would let us run out of gas with you in this condition?

I tried to find some Christmas music on the radio, I just wanted something to distract me from what was sure to be a tense conversation with his folks.  We must be too far from a radio tower, all I am getting is static, I sighed.

Randy, are you sure we shouldn’t just get a motel room tonight?  I mean, they don’t even know we are coming and it will be after midnight when we get there.  Seriously Beth, we are homeless, you are pregnant, and we have less than $100 in our account, do you really think that is a good idea?  I know, but……But what Beth, he yelled.  But, I think the baby is coming….right now!

Have you ever had a situation where the unexpected happened?  How did you react?  Did it turn out all right?  Was there a blessing in your unexpected moment?

Don’t miss out on a blessing because it isn’t packaged the way you expected; expect the unexpected.

Randy and Beth received an unexpected gift that Christmas night, they may not have even planned to get pregnant, certainly did not expect the baby to come in the middle of the night while traveling!  But their blessing came, in an unexpected moment and I am certain brought them much joy!

Do you think anyone expected the King of Kings to be born in a manger?  On that first Christmas night, there was no room at the local Super 8, so the unexpected took place. 

I leave you with this thought – This Christmas we may find ourselves with:

             No room in our schedules
              No room for quiet and reflection
              No room for solitude
              No room in our resources
              No room for Jesus

 Maybe it is time I take Jesus out of the manger and make him my focus by being more intentional in my time this Christmas.

Heavenly Father, Son of God, King of Kings, Prince of Peace, Oh come let us adore You!  Be in not only our hearts but in our lives this Christmas as we celebrate not only your birth, but as we eagerly anticipate your second coming as well. Amen