It is Well with My Soul

Bible Verse: “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”  Genesis 50:20

Joseph’s life was not easy, not peaceful, not fair.  He was sold into slavery by his own brothers!  He was thrown into prison on false charges!  Yet, he did not become bitter, he did not let regret take over, he knew that God was in control and had a purpose for everything. 

I was recently in a situation, in a place where I was not being treated fairly, kindness and courtesy were non-existent – communication had been cut down to the bare minimum, the tension in this situation and place was thick – it was hard!!!  I was sick to my stomach most days, I was not sleeping well, I had many nights of tossing and turning, the struggle was real my friend.  Have you ever been in that place?  You try to fix it, you try to flee from it, you reason that surely you can control it, fairness must exist, yes??

The hymn, “It is Well with my Soul” was penned by a husband and father named Horatio Spafford.  He wrote this hymn after several traumatic, unfair events took place in his life.  First his 2 year old son dies, then he is ruined financially in the Great Chicago fire of 1871.  He later decides to take his wife and four daughters on vacation to Europe, he sends them ahead of him on the ship, planning on coming behind them after attending to some business.  This ship wrecks, all four of his daughters died.  His wife Anna survived and sent him the now famous telegram “Saved Alone”.  Shortly afterwards, as Spafford traveled to meet his grieving wife.  He was inspired to write the words to this hymn as his ship passed near where his daughters had died Spafford knew that life might not be fair, but God is Just.  He says in this hymn “Though Satan should buffet, though trails should come, let this blest assurance control, that Christ hath regarded my helpless estate, and hath shed His own blood for my soul.”

Now I can look back at that time and know that God made something good grow out of things that were difficult and painful.  God was in control of my days, who was in them, where I was, what I was doing.  He was using this very situation to accomplish His plan for my life.  The truth for those of us that believe in God, is that nothing is wasted, not even in the hardest, darkest times.  It is possible to know that what Satan meant to harm you, God intended it for good – and today we can surely say……. It is Well with Our Soul!

Heavenly Father, Thank You for being the Captain of our ship, the Author of our soul – that even when life is at it darkest and most difficult, we can be assured that You are using it for good, you are accomplishing Your purpose in our lives.  Thank you for the blood shed at the cross, that we may know the victory has been won and we can say….It is Well with Our Soul!  Amen


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