God is Fighting for Us!

Here Moses has taken the Israelites out of Egypt, out of slavery and escaped – they are in the wilderness and see that the Egyptians are coming after them and they cried out to Moses saying that they were better off as slaves in Egypt than facing certain death in the wilderness. 

Moses spoke to the people telling them to not be afraid, to stand firm and watch God work their salvation.  He tells them to take one last look at the Egyptians because they will not be seeing them again.  He tells them God is about to fight for them and they just need to stay silent.

 God then parted the Red Sea and the Israelites walk thru unharmed and the Egyptians follow but get swallowed up by the sea! 

 I don’t know about you, but I have spent too much time at the camp of the enemy, enslaved to such things as fear, depression, and sickness.  I have been victimized enough by those who do not have that authority over me!  Today I came across this story in Exodus during my bible study time and today’s verse (Ex. 14:13-14) stood out to me, jumped out to me. 

 Let’s take a closer look:  

·        Fear not: I have read before that there are more than 365 instances in the Bible where we are told not to fear, one for each day of the year!  I can only surmise that God wouldn’t tell us not to fear if there was any purpose to being fearful.

·        Stand firm:  one meaning of the word firm is “not weak or uncertain”.  So, we stand in a confident stature as we stand and watch God fight for us!

·        See the salvation of the Lord, which he will work for you today:  I like that God is saying that we get to stay and watch!  This is going to be a visible salvation that we can actively see happen.

·        For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again:  this one gives me chills, makes me just a little bit giddy – this is not a temporary retreat from our enemy – we will NEVER see them again.  Wow, I seriously want to giggle with happiness over the permeance of this statement.  Take a minute to let the ramifications of that settle in!

·        The Lord will fight for you:  this is way better than the fairy tales where the knight rides in on a white horse and saves the damsel in distress.  The Lord himself is fighting for you! 

·        And you have only to be silent:  Did your heart just drop a little on that one?    No talking?  No complaining?  No fearful words? That is not an easy one for me.  But, I think today, I will take a breather from words of concern and worry and just stay silent while I watch God work His salvation, so that I can see another day to be relation with my King, the one who fights for me.  Oh, how truly blessed I am!

Whatever you are walking thru today, whatever you are trying to fight on your own today, perhaps you will be able to let go of the fear, stand firm and watch and see God fight your battle for you! 

Heavenly Father, we thank you that you are fighting for us, that you are pushing back the darkness, lighting up the Kingdom and that cannot be shaken, in the name of Jesus, the enemy’s defeated! We worship you as we watch you work out our salvation and part our Red Sea’s!  Amen
